How have you been changing as a result of our current human existence? Have you been learning how to let the world change you this past year? It’s definitely been my experience thus far. Are you allowing the world to change you, or are you thinking you can...
“When we don’t create or express, we get homesick …homesick for ourselves. We’re missing the richness, the beauty inside of us.” -Pam Grout Depression …that grey, heavy, numb, sour, dark, muted, inertia. This is how we feel when...
Most of the time when I’m out for my daily hikes I feel like I become a free bird, released from the cage of my mind as soon as I hit the outdoors and begin to move my body. This is my time away from daily responsibilities. In the beauty of nature, I’m set...
2020 will be talked about in hindsight as the year of dissolution, the process in which something becomes weaker and weaker, then literally dissolves or dismantles. Patriarchal power, war, oppression, lies, money, religion, dictatorship, global warming, greed – it’s...
As I write this, I am watching the full moon slip silently beyond the horizon. It descends like a giant orb, a halo of ancient mystery, cascading its ethereal light the way a mother’s heart beats in tender, centrifugal waves around her children. I can feel the...