“When a person develops her heaven nature, she shines like the sun. Such a person keeps conscious of, and clings to, what is good and great within herself. She is unwilling to sacrifice her sincerity, her sense of truth, her kindness, or her sense of what is humane and just, to other considerations. Although she has achieved strength of character, she remembers the difficulty she had in correcting herself; therefore, she is able to remain tolerant of those who have not yet developed themselves. She is alert, ever searching to discover the inner truth of each situation and to act from this understanding. She avoids losing her inner independence and detachment by resisting the clamoring of her childish heart. She constantly seeks to be responsive to the quiet but inwardly audible will of heaven. Because she is silent within, she creates a respect for inner silence; because she is tolerant, she creates tolerance; through her sincerity, she activates respect and love for truth in others. Like the sun, she shines on everyone with equanimity, awakening a small bit of the higher life within them.” – excerpt from A Guide To The I Ching, by Carol Anthony
We Are All Mystics In The Making
My old Webster’s dictionary defines a mystic as one who can induce a feeling of awe and wonder, an expounder of a mystical way of life, while the popular Dictionary.com defines a mystic as a person who claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate intuition in a state of spiritual ecstasy. In this volatile time in our evolution, it behooves us, I feel, to at least consider the possibility of attaining insight into the mysteries that transcend ordinary human knowledge because surely, what we have achieved thus far based on our ordinary human knowledge has reached a tipping point.
Unleashing The Power of The Soul
Mysticism is about the experience of the Divine and feeling pulled to discover and unleash the power of the soul. This has certainly been my walk in this world and now, more than ever, I can feel the urgent longing of so many others to live another way, one steeped in freedom, dignity, integrity, equality, simplicity, beauty, unity, safety, abundance, joy, and common fellowship. When we begin to delve deeply into the mysteries that transcend our ordinary human knowledge, we begin to experience the unlimited possibilities.
The Modern Day Mystic
It used to be that many ancient mystics renounced the world to connect with the Divine. It was a hard and disciplined life of renunciation, isolation and deep suffering, but the modern day mystic of today, while still may have to go through an initiation (or several) of the dark night of the soul, can often be found living a variety of life circumstances from the quiet, seemingly normal life with job, family, and every day responsibilities, to the homeless beggar on the street. Most often they have passionately sought most of their life to learn or discover the universal mystical reality that is the source behind all creation, and they never seem to lose sight of these ancient truths that continue to influence and guide their very existence. Don’t ever be fooled by the outward appearance of a person’s reality. The mystic who is homeless has as much ability to rock your world as the mystic who is a clean-cut CEO.
Keeping The Ego At Bay
Often the mystic’s path is wrought with perseverance where one has to learn to be patient, to carry an inner energy of humbleness and acceptance free of hope and doubt. The mystic must also learn to subdue the ego, keeping its maniacal voice of fear, vanity, and the almighty intellect at bay. This is much easier said than done!
The Mystic’s Way With Others
To communicate honestly when in relationship with another, whether that be a friend, lover, or family member, and to not automatically say what another person wants to hear, is to walk the path of integrity. We all want to feel loved and accepted, but to a mystic, saying what is felt as essential or straight from the heart takes precedence over fearing that they will tarnish or lose their connection with the other. No good can come from catering to others when often the appropriate response may be to simply be reticent with them. In this way, the mystic does not sacrifice her principles but remains open, loving, and humble.
Bringing Light To Others’ Hearts
The way of the Divine is to bring light to others’ hearts by following, with great integrity, the mystic’s principles and mysteries that transcend our ordinary human knowledge by responding naturally and with honesty and simplicity to each interaction we may have with others. In this way, the mystic is able to zero in on the essence of the matter with humility, love and an open mind to shed light and awareness where there once was darkness and misunderstanding. The true foundation of a mystic’s guidance is in delivering an underlying message in all interactions that You are the Source. A mystic can’t be tricked into believing otherwise, and they will never agree that you are limited, or mortal, or separate from anyone or anything.
We are Being Summoned To Listen
While it may be true that some of us came into this world with a great longing to understand the deeper mysteries of the Divine, I believe that we are all being called now…being summoned actually…to listen…not necessarily to the mystics of the world (though that is available and valuable for sure)…but to our own inner source of wisdom which in fact, is not separate from any mystic’s. When each individual begins to acknowledge their union with the Divine rather than their separateness and gives up the desperate need to be governed by external influences, then a change is gonna come….
With much love,
Heather xo
P.S. If you have friends, clients or colleagues who you think may be interested in the Mystic’s Walk, send them this blog. Spreading light is like eating chocolate…it’s addictive! 🙂
This so refreshed me. The first paragraph is so descriptive of me I got teary eyed like……. ? Wow… Thank you so much
Again…. I’m speechless that this woman described me… Damn near verbatim of who I AM….. Thank you so much for the confirmation