Unexpected Grace Arrives Just In Time

Out hiking the other day I saw a bevy of Trumpeter swans flying overhead. I heard them first, that unusual, distinctive sound of their call pulling my attention skyward to experience the sheer awe and joy of their presence and return for yet another season.

The Return of Grace

In my world, I pay close attention to what shows up in my reality, and while in prior Spring seasons I was lucky if I even saw one flock of swans, this Spring I have seen so many more than usual flights of these beauties in motion and sounding their trumpets. And every time, the same words float through my Being…“the return of grace.”

A Deeper Meaning

As the message moves through my body, I can sense that it’s not about the usual correlation of the word ‘grace’ often associated with the swan. It’s deeper than that. The association has more to do with our evolutionary movement towards a future that will arrive on this planet (has already arrived in terms of frequency), and is being ushered in by the deepest longing of the human heart for freedom, harmony, and unity. It’s the gift of grace that’s going to make this happen, perhaps in the not too distant future.

When The Need Is Great

Grace isn’t something that we can create, order, or force. It arrives unexpectedly when we need it most, and when the need is genuine, pure, and full of the innocent longing to be aligned with the power and simplicity of love. Neither is it a religious notion. Grace is the unexpected movement and force of existence itself, obeying only the rules of nature to return to balance, whether that be for human, nation, or planet.

The Dramas of the World Stage

It’s not only our human longing to live in freedom, harmony and unity that is growing in numbers exponentially now due to the seemingly ever increasing dramas of the world stage, but it’s also the most natural foundation of mother earth, eroded over time by human ignorance and greed, who has endured countless atrocities while she has unconditionally continued to support and provide us with her benevolence, beauty, and nourishment.

Cosmic Configurations

At a time when literally everything seems to be lining up astrologically, cosmically, and heliophysically, a return to grace may just be the freely given gift, the divine influence of the great mystery, that smoothly and/ or eruptively forces our passage when earth conditions reach a tipping point of unbalance, and brings us back to the center of love, acceptance, and caring of our fellow human beings, the earth and all it’s creatures.

I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.”

-Anne Lamott

It’s About People & Nature

In the end it’s about PEOPLE and NATURE that provides the deeper meaning and connection in our lives, not rules of religion, not false gods or deities, not corrupt governments and systems, not money for power, and not the commercialized material world .

Perhaps it will be the return of grace, infused with a light we simply cannot imagine, that will help us to remember this, and to support and foster the return, growth and expansion of our natural, basic, fundamental freedoms and existence in peaceful harmony with all that is aligned with nature’s simplicity and intelligence.

With much love,

Heather xo


  1. norral

    hello i was just thinking what is it we truly hunger for as humans . on a deep deep level. is it wealth, success, admiration, power. i believe that what we humans truly and deeply long for is a sense of connection. connection on a deep deep level. how would it be if we could experience that connection with every sentient being we encounter. did the sound of the swans awaken something within. i am sure it did. may this grace you speak of appear and facilitate our deep connection to each other

    • Heather Fraser

      Hi Norral,

      Many thanks for your reflective comment.

      There is so much beauty when we can deeply connect with others, whether human, plant, or animal. It usually only happens when we’ve made the changes necessary in our lives to deeply connect with ourselves first…our inner being, and yet society at large does not (has not) fostered the kind of environments that puts that kind of connection and relating first. This is going to change in a big way I feel…through the grace of nature’s rules.

      When I heard and saw the swans, I felt awe and wonder as I always do when I encounter these miracles of nature. This is deep connection. Pure love and reverence for nature herself…where we are all connected already..with many now coming to that realization.

      With much love,
      Heather xo


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