The Silence of Morning

There is a silence, a beautiful kind of stillness, that comes from the freshness of early morning, before the sun rises, before the energy of human activity fills the air.

I like to call this stillness, the silent peace of God.

There is something reverent about the dawn. It contains a felt, silent power of complete neutrality, pristine in its authenticity, and stunning in its ability to render one immediately peaceful the moment we honor its presence, and thereby become one with it.

the silence of morning

Each morning, I arise with the joy of knowing I will be spending an hour or more immersed in the presence of this holy stillness. And then I express whatever feeling is filling up my heart by writing it down. Over the years, this has become my practice in mindfulness, understanding, and trust.

When we can allow ourselves to be open enough to be ‘taught’ by something greater than ourselves, to hear the silent whispers, receive the teachings, live them, and pass them on, then, we can say we are ‘embracing the One.’

What began as a longing for more ease, grace, and beauty in my life turned out to be a poignant pointing to how I was already fully blessed with them, and how we all have access to such a life, regardless of our circumstances, when we are willing to quiet the mind and truly begin to see.

When I go back and read the reams of messages I have received over the years from sitting with this presence in the silence of morning, I realize that they will never become obsolete, for they are eternal teachings – profound in their simplicity and poetic in their beauty.

And now fifty-two of them will become the basis of sharing a new e-book, Morning Mystic, available next month, as simple teachings to contemplate and embody over the course of a year. I can already see that this will become more than one project, with at least two more volumes based on the material I already have on hand.

Of course, I am not the author, merely the scribe, and every word belongs to eternity.


With love,

Heather xo


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