How An Uprising In Consciousness Will Change Everything

How An Uprising In Consciousness Will Change Everything

While the initial fear, panic, hoarding, and stockpiling of food and paper products has eased up somewhat, as an empath, I am feeling both an eerie acquiescence of what’s taking place…people making the best of the situation but simply waiting, herd-like,...
Silent Sentinels – United We Stand

Silent Sentinels – United We Stand

As the worldwide Stay At Home wave continues, especially for those who live on their own, there is a growing rise in feelings of separation, isolation and loneliness.  Even for those of us who are not at home alone, the loss of our external sense of community and...
To Be Natural Is Not Rocket Science

To Be Natural Is Not Rocket Science

I get the feeling these days, when I’m out and about in daily life and sensing the vibes of some of the random conversations I overhear, that people are longing for more time to simply breathe deeply, to enjoy a peaceful morning in silence, to take a stroll –...
Why No Guru, Teacher or Method Is Going To Save You

Why No Guru, Teacher or Method Is Going To Save You

Most of the time when I’m out for my daily hikes I feel like I become a free bird, released from the cage of my mind as soon as I hit the outdoors and begin to move my body. This is my time away from daily responsibilities. In the beauty of nature, I’m set...
Creating Calm – The Need of Our Times

Creating Calm – The Need of Our Times

2020 will be talked about in hindsight as the year of dissolution, the process in which something becomes weaker and weaker, then literally dissolves or dismantles.  Patriarchal power, war, oppression, lies, money, religion, dictatorship, global warming, greed – it’s...