As the worldwide Stay At Home wave continues, especially for those who live on their own, there is a growing rise in feelings of separation, isolation and loneliness. Even for those of us who are not at home alone, the loss of our external sense of community and day-to-day social activities outside the home is starting to feel very real as the days and weeks roll on by.
Creative Connection
Many of us are discovering new and creative ways to stay connected to some semblance of community, either through on-line technology, waving or saying hello to a total stranger from across the street or path to acknowledge their presence as a fellow human-being, using music to uplift others by singing or playing a musical instrument from a balcony or front porch, hanging poster size signs of gratitude on front doors or windows for delivery workers – the list goes on and on. These are just a handful examples I’ve witnessed in my own daily life in the past weeks.
Service, Love, Community
Three days a week I provide a ninety three year old gentleman, in his condo, with a complete dinner service that includes a home-cooked meal, set table, and clean up afterwards. Each day when I walk up to the entrance of the building, another tenant on the top floor is standing at his wide open living room window playing the flute.
There is no question in my mind that this in an act of love, service and community…perhaps the best that he can offer while having to stay at home – and what an offering it is. This man is a professional!
I pause inside myself as I’m literally serenaded into the building, and wonder if he ever did this before…before the world shut down. I’ve been going there for over two years at the same time of day and this is the first I’ve heard him play at the window.
Neighbors Freely Sharing Their Gifts
It is a condo for able-bodied and active seniors whose biggest adventure these days is to step out into the front courtyard for a breath of fresh spring air, (one or two people at a time) listen to the birdsong, feel the sun on their sweet faces, and talk with each other at a safe distance.
God bless the resident pied piper who overlooks the courtyard and shares his love for his fellow human beings the only way he can right now. If I could teleport up to him and safely hug him…oh my…I would…though he just might expire from me squeezing him to death rather than from any virus.
The Human Heart Endures
My lovely gentleman client has a wife in a nursing home down the road from his condo. I used to cook for both of them until she was admitted in February. He was able to visit her just a few times before they shut it down to any visitors whatsoever. How does the human heart endure such a painful situation?
And slowly, each day has presented a new restriction for him…favorite restaurant closed…golf course closed…bridge club closed.
Recently we talked about the idea of him driving over to the nursing home and standing under her second floor window, just so she could see him and wave through the window. The nurses there call him each evening on her cell phone because she has a hard time dialing, so she can speak with him. Small, kind, tender mercies…
Tender Mercies
All these acts of tenderness…the expression of our human hearts towards one another as we’re collectively squeezed into smaller and tighter circles of forced isolation, are surely signs of our mastery unfolding as Spirit in human form.
When have we ever had an opportunity as a humanity to unleash the power, integrity, benevolence, respect, compassion, and untold grace of the naked human spirit, unplugged from all that we thought was so important?
We are the silent sentinels now…or at least we can be. It’s a choice point.
Silent Moai sentinels guarding ancient truths, protecting a tiny barren island. Gazing out on an ominous sea, radiating prophetic testimony on humanity’s greed upon limited wealth.
Becoming Silent Sentinels
Silent sentinels…in that we can choose this time in our evolution to act, move, breathe, connect, dance, create, and exist from our inner silent sentinel…from love.
The dictionary defines a sentinel as a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching; a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack.
With so much time to simply be, we can be using this time to master going within every day and experiencing first hand, through stillness and meditation, regardless of faith or religion, the ultimate feeling and powerful state of our inner silence..of strengthening our invisible connection, our guardianship of each other and the planet, and becoming masterful soldiers of spirit and consciousness – we the people, the silent sentinels. United we can stand, even though physically separated.
If we are here and alive on this planet right now, then this is our only calling, and every single one of us is qualified for the job…and always has been.
From my heart to yours,
Heather xo
P.S. If you know anyone wanting to stand united as ONE, send them this blog. There’s been no other time in the history of mankind where we have the opportunity to collectively stand united in our power as Silent Sentinels for each other and the planet.
I love to connect. Feel free to contact me in the footer below.